Dian and I spent some time doing local trails around Yellowknife the last 2 days. There are many lakes in and around town and most have trails. The following shots of Yellowknife are HDR images. That is 3 images combined into one to try to get all the details. I have yet to master this technique. Yellowknife can be quite a shock when it comes to shopping. I usually pay around $80 for an oil change back home. Here it cost $175 at Lubex. We went for lunch at a famous restaurant here called Bullocks Bistro. It looks like an old shack and it was good thing we got there early as before long it was standing room only. They serve fish and chips and the fish is local (Char, Grayling, Lake Trout etc.). The waitress never offered a menu but told us what fish they had for the day. Dian ordered Arctic Char and I the seafood chowder. It was very good and so was the price...$55.00. I am glad I didn't order the Muskox stew as I am sure the bill would have doubled.

Niven Lake. A trail circles this lake and is great spot for birds.
Orange-crowned Warblers are feeding young now.
A Canvas-back has decided she and her brood need a nap.
This Horned Grebe has what looks like an elastic band through her mouth and around the back of her neck. I fear for her and her little one who was constantly begging.
A Swamp Sparrow made a brief appearance as we stood on a bridge at Niven Lake.
We left Yellowknife on a nice day and made it to the Twin Falls Campground where we stayed on our way up. Next was Hutch Lake-just north of High Level. Then on to Manning via Fort Vermillion and Le Crete. I write this in Fairview where we are spending 3 days before we head into Grande Prairie. Spending time in one location gives us time to explore many faucets of the area. For example yesterday we drove to Dunvegan on the Peace River. It was a very important stop on the river at one time.
Dene drummers in the campground the night before we left seemed a fitting goodbye.
Visiting the NWT legislature. That is Dian and someone from Ont.
Greater Yellowlegs at Hutch Lake.
Lesser Yellowlegs at Hutch.
Butterfly at Fairview.
Horned Grebe and chicks. Notice the difference in plumage between this grebe and the one above taken a week ago in Yellowknife. All the birds are rapidly changing into winter plumage. Taken at Cummings Lake, Fairview. Lots of peeps coming in now including a Solitary Sandpiper.
A nice Dragonfly in camp.
Least Sandpipers are part of the peep invasion.
As are Pectoral Sandpipers.
A young Yellow-bellied Sapsucker likes Saskatoons.
Very hot here and thunder heads in the sky today. When it rains it really pours. Next blog should be from Grande Prairie where we meet relatives for Dian's mom's funeral. I forgot to mention she has been with us for the trip ever since we left Edmonton. In an urn in the back seat. She has been very quite so we can only assume she is enjoying the trip.