
Monday, March 2, 2015

February 2015 Muskrat, Short-eared Owl, Golden Eagle, Tufted Duck, Wood Duck, Great Gray Owl

The following is an assortment of fauna we encountered this February.  These don't include what we captured in a 2 week period in California which was the focus of the previous blog.
While standing on a bridge at Wilband Ponds a Muskrat sauntered by.
A Muskrats hind feet are not webbed like a Beaver.  Instead they are fringed with hair to help it swim.  They are very vicious in breeding season and can fight to the death.
A Tufted Duck was reported at Iona sewage ponds.  That provided impetus for us  to check it out.  It is the dark bird in the foreground.  The other birds are Scaup which are very similar.  
Lesser Scaup in front and Tufted Duck in rear.  This shot shows the similarities.  Tufted Ducks are considered rare here and are usually found in Eurasia..
Wind was coming from the rear.
Wood Duck Portrait. They are one of the few duck species that can grip tree bark and perch on branches.
Wood Ducks are in full breeding plumage at this time of the year.
Purple Finch female Reifel.  The oldest recorded life span of a Purple Finch is 11 years and 9 months.
Pine Siskins processed with a filter I was experimenting with.  It is in a program called "Nik".  
Sandhill Crane was bathing at Reifel.  Sandhill Cranes mate for life which can be over 20 years.
Great Gray Owl. This owl created quite an attraction for birders at the Reifel Sanctuary where it  lingered for about 3 weeks.
The Great Gray gave me a nice pose.
A Short-eared Owl was hunting at Brunswick Point.
The Short-eared Owl has 10 subspecies and is found all around the globe.
Finally a Golden Eagle gave a fly-by at 72 St. Delta.  The Golden Eagle is one of the few birds having feathers all the way down to its toes.  Rough-legged and Ferruginous Hawks also have this feature.
End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blog.