When I look back at all the pictures I got this month I have a hard time believing we covered so much territory. We also saw a Hudsonian Godwit and Tropical Kingbird; 2 rare species but the photographs were not up to par. I was also surprised to find a suspension bridge at Cascade falls in Mission that was erected this summer. It is worth a visit. I have also taken the liberty to add a commercial for our Honda at the end. We have to sell so someone will get a good deal.
Oct 31 2015-Furry Creek |
A report of a Field Sparrow sent us to Furry Creek, north of Vancouver. We didn't find the sparrow but this River Otter made an appearance as it briefly left the ocean. |
This Pheasant on Sumas Prairie had broken tail feathers, bald head and other signs that it was a released bird from a cage. |
A Bushtit outside our window. |
An American Pipit was the only bird I photographed on a day trip to Manning Park. |
Last month I photographed a Pacific Loon. This Common Loon was at the same location; Hougen Park. |
The blog in September featured this Red-tailed Hawk with Long-billed Syndrome. I found it again this month with a rodent. Not sure how much longer it will survive with that compromised bill. |
A Horned Grebe in winter plumage at Harrison Hotsprings. |
Sasquatch Park, just past Harrison, had this Ruffed Grouse. It ran into the bush as we approached, so we waited and it eventually reappeared. |
There appears to be a mirror between these two Snowbirds at Harrison. |
A Rock Wren is a rare bird on the lower mainland. This one was beside the Fraser River. |
Harrison also had this Pine Siskin. |
This American Golden Plover was quite tame at Blackies Spit in South Surrey. |
The reason is, it was wounded. I once saw a Peregrine Falcon grab a duck and immediately start plucking it. The duck managed to escape. I wonder if the same thing happened to this plover. |
A woman was fascinated by thousands of Dunlin and Western Sandpipers at Blackies Spit as they rested at high tide. |
More shots of the shorebirds. |
Notice the little guy on the left. |
This is a Western Sandpiper which looks like a mini Dunlin. |
A Thayers Gull dips for fish eggs at Eagle Point. |
Success. Gord G. pointed out the fact that this gull had a pale eye, which is unusual for a Thayers. |
Cascade Falls in Mission gave me an opportunity to try my new 17-40mm lens. One needs a wide angle lens to get all the falls in the shot. |
We were really impressed with this new suspension bridge at Cascade Falls. Eat your heart out Capilano. |
And now for a commercial break. Dian and I bought this new 2015 Honda CR-V SE this summer. Now we have purchased a trailer and this SUV won't pull it, so we have to sell. If anyone is interested in a great car with about 15,000km, please check craigslist; http://abbotsford.craigslist.ca/cto/5336268209.html
End of this blog. Scroll down for previous blog.