The month of December seemed to fly by as every day provided many opportunities to photograph Arizona fauna. Some of the areas we explored were, Papago Park, Thompson-boyce Arboretum, Sweetwater Park, Gilbert Water Ranch, Thrasher Corner (Salome and Baseline), Patagonia SP, St. Davids Monastery, San Pedro House and Santa Cruz Flats which covers a large area.
Gilbert Water Ranch was an area I have often heard of. We were not disappointed with the variety of birds here including a Black and White Warbler. |
The many ponds at the Water Ranch contained many varieties of waterfowl such as this Black-necked Stilt. |
I have seen many Lincoln's Sparrows before but not one that almost walked over my feet. |
The main reason for visiting the Gilbert Water Ranch was to find the Rosy-faced Lovebird. |
We arrived at the park-got out of the car-walked over to the restroom and there they were, chattering away. |
These birds are the descendants of escaped birds and are now countable on the ABA list. |
American Avocets were very common here. |
Bendire's Thrashers were at almost every location we visited. |
Curved-billed Thrashers were equally abundant. We tried 3 times to find LeConte's Thrasher at Salome and Baseline roads (Thrasher corner). Every time we were thwarted. |
At Thrasher Corner a Prairie Falcon cruised by. |
A Road Runner had a deformed bill. I noticed when the tail was up the crest was down and vice versa. |
Not sure where I took this picture of a Desert Cottontail. |
In the previous blog I explained how a lady at our resort told us about Burrowing Owls just down the road. There were 4 of them right beside the road in the middle of a busy area. |
We checked them every day because most of the time only their heads were visible. Whenever I saw them on the perch I would go over and get a few pictures. |
We had a rain storm one night. The burrow must have gotten soaked. The owls were hampered with muddy talons. |
Loggerhead Shrikes were an everyday sight on the Flats. |
We took a side trip to the southern part of Arizona. This Bewick's Wren was at St David's Monastery. |
Further along the road we stopped at San Pedro House, close to Sierra Vista. A Black Phoebe watched us hike the trails. |
A Gila Woodpecker alights on a tree. |
Still further down the road is Patagonia State Park. A Northern Cardinal was coming to a feeder. |
Female Pyrrhuloxia is easy to confuse with a female Cardinal. Patagonia. |
Green-tailed Towhee. Patagonia. |
I was sitting on a bench at San Padre House when this Red-tailed Hawk cruised low over my head and dropped down. I only had a few seconds to get this shot before it saw me and flew away. |
We visited Papago Park and although we saw quite a few birds I only got a picture of a Common Gallinule. |
It sprang into the water, out of sight, and came up with a hapless Coot. |
I was hoping the cat would look in our direction. It held the Coot in such a way that it couldn't flap its wings. |
We left and came back about 30 minutes later to find the Bobcat drying and cleaning its paws. |
Back at Santa Cruz Flats we found as many as 50 Crested Caracaras on one trip. |
Mountain Plovers were on the sod farms but they were always too far away for a good picture. |
Paradoxically, Mountain Plovers like low flat open areas and they are not fond of water. |
Vermillion Flycatcher moulting into breeding plumage. |
On our way home we stopped one more time at Thrasher corner. An Ash-throated Flycatcher was the best bird seen. |
A Black-tailed Gnatcatcher was also there. |
On our way home we visited Colusa Wildlife Refuge. A couple of years ago we stopped there to find a Falcated Teal. We never found that either but it is a great area for birds. |
Snow and Ross's Geese come in to swallow fine gravel for their gizzards.. |
Ross's Geese. |
Finally, a Meadowlark on the dyke at Colusa. |
We have been to this part of Arizona before. On those occasions we stayed further south. We found this is a better idea than staying in Casa Grande which was too far from some of the best birding sites. As luck would have it a Rose-breasted Becard showed up a few days after we left. Looks like we have to return.
End of this blog. Scroll down for previous blog-(part one of Casa Grande).