The pin above Aldergrove Park indicates Jackman Wetlands. Entrance is on 272 St. |
Dian leaving the parking lot. |
I was sitting by one of the ponds when a Wilson's Snipe came out of hiding. A Lesser Yellowlegs approaches from the rear. |
The object of our visit was this Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. Only its head was visible when we first spotted it. |
It walked away before I could get a frontal shot. |
Pectoral Sandpipers were also here and they can easily be confused with the Sharp-tailed. |
Low water levels expose mud which the shorebirds need for foraging on their migration south. |
A small flock of Long-billed Dowitchers. |
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs. |
There are more ponds on the property but only one had suitable shorelines for the peeps. |
Greater Yellowlegs appear to be fighting but they may just be having fun. |
Here one stomps on the other's head. |
Then one jabs its beak right through the other's head. (Just kidding. Optical illusion) |
I'll grab your toe. |
Gotcha!! |
Leggo my toe!! |
After a few moments they went their own ways, non the worst for wear. |
Long-billed Dowitcher with what appears to be a Dragonfly nymph?? |
This pump had us puzzled. We learned it is used to pump methane out of the old dump to fuel local green houses. |
Another pond. |
The major waterfowl pond. It is nice to have a local patch for shorebirds. Saves a lot of travelling to the coast for a sandpiper fix. |
End of this blog. Scroll down for previous blog.