On a day trip to Lake Louise, we found this Northern Hawk-owl.
This looks like a black and white shot but this is how the scenery actually appeared. There was a forest fire here recently so there was not a lot of color. Taken with the iPhone. The mountains at this time of the year are spectacular with the light touching of snow. Unfortunately, I don't take enough time in trying to photograph them.
Main street Radium had a few Mountain Ash trees that had the Starlings going wild. All the berries were gone in a few days. |
The Starlings weren't the only ones after berries. (iPhone shot)
The local golf course had more sheep than I have seen before. I was hoping for some headbanging but it didn't happen.
Sheep were everywhere. Landscaping seemed to be a favorite pastime. One morning I was watching TV when a parade of them walked by the window.
The Columbia Valley. |
I have a few theories of what is happening here. I am going to go out on a limb (get it?) and surmise they are either trying to keep warm or one of them is afraid of heights. |
Dian in the Columbia Valley |
A Pileated Woodpecker landed close to us and proceeded to eat berries. |
One last shot of the Columbia Valley taken with the iPhone by Dian. We followed the trail to the end of the ridge in the distance. I rarely use the phone shots in the blog but they are better than the shots I got.
End of this blog. Scroll down for the previous blog or hit "Older posts".