It was good to see friends and family in Edmonton as we continue our journey north. As we left St. Albert the wind and rain were was something else but by the time we reached Slave Lake the weather was perfect. We spent the night north of Slave Lake in a provincial campground called Lesser Slave Lake Provincial Park (who would have thought). A very nice spot which is popular with Edmontonians. The next day we made it to Dixon, north of Peace River. We pulled into a campsite and found ourselves to be alone. It was really quiet and after a few cars drove by to check us out we decided to pull up stakes and head to Manning which was 1/2 hour away. We found a much better spot next to the Battle River in the middle of town that felt much safer. The next morning we visited the Manning museum. Quite a good showing for a small town. Three hours later we were in High Level and settled into the Aspen Grove RV Park. Tomorrow we hit the NWT border and temperatures in the 30's. If you want to see the pictures enlarged you can click on them.

We took another trip to Villenuve before we left Edmonton hoping to see a Sharp-tailed Sparrow. No luck but got some more shots of a Black Tern.
These Franklins Gulls were enjoying their island getaway.
A Least Sandpiper was in the same pond as the gulls.
And so was this Spotted Sandpiper.
With its' beak full this Yellow-headed Blackbird was wondering if I was ever going to leave.
The only bird I managed to capture at Slave Lake was this Canada Warbler. Not a great shot but I don't see them very often so I included it.
This Yellow-rumped Warbler was at the spooky Dixon campsite.
A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was also at Dixon-feeding young right in our campsite.
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