
Monday, March 24, 2014

South Padre Mar 23 2014

We stayed close to home today.  The local birding center and convention centre are quite close and provided a great assortment of birds to entertain us.  We were going to go beach combing this afternoon but the sky got cloudy and the wind came up.  We need to slow down anyway.  Some of these species I have posted before but these are better shots.
Tri-colored Heron


Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have just returned here.

Roseate Spoonbills

Pied-billed Grebe

Little Blue Heron

Great Egret with fish

Clapper Rail calling
Clapper Rail

Queen Butterfly

Queen Butterfly caterpillar

Monarch Butterfly
Brown pelican

Cloudy skies, rain and wind brought in a fallout last night.  This Yellow-throated Vireo was a new migrant.

Horned Lark.

Female Hooded Warbler 

Male Hooded Warbler
Orchard Oriole

Inca Dove

Northern Parula in an odd position

Louisiana Waterthrush.  A very skittish bird.
 We are going to get rain again tonight so can't wait to see what blows in tomorrow morning.  It must be quite the trip across the Gulf of Mexico for these tiny birds.  When they get here they are eating frantically; some right at our feet.

End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blog.


  1. Len, thanks for taking the time to post the pictures. The majority of the bird species I have not seen so it is cool to see the variety. That Clapper Rail is huge!

    Looking forward to the next update.

    1. Thanks Chris. These birds are a long way from Ft. St. John : > )

  2. Nice photos. Your waterthrush is a Louisiana Waterthrush. Note the clear throat, broad white superciliary, large bill, blurry streaking. Later we will get Northerns and you will see the difference.

    1. Thanks AS. I knew it was a Louisiana. Habit made me put in Northern : > ) I really appreciate your comments. Keeps me on my toes.

  3. Best guess on your sparrow is Cassin's or Botteri's. Based on the large bill, I'd say Botteri's.


    1. Thanks for your comment Michael. The majority of comments seem to be leaning towards Cassin's. I believe the Botteri's would have a rounded upper mandible while this birds beak is straight. Thanks again for taking the time to write.
