
Saturday, May 16, 2015

White-faced Ibis May 16 2015 Separation Lake, BC

Got a call from friend Carlo G. this morning who wanted to know if I would join him on a twitch to find some White-faced Ibis's at Separation Lake, close to Kamloops British Columbia.  This is a very rare bird for British Columbia, and one which I have never seen in the province. So I jumped at the chance.  We arrived at the site around 2 PM to find some young birders already there.  It was good to finally meet many of the excellent up and coming next generation.  They had 12 Ibis staked out.  To see one Ibis here is great but to see twelve is extraordinary.  More birders came and went and all the time the birds foraged peacefully along the shoreline.  At one point a few of them strolled to within 20 meters of us and then strolled back to join the main group.  Following is a pictorial record.

End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blog.


  1. Wonderful series of photos, what an amazing thing to see. I appreciate you sharing your photos.
    Nick Balachanoff

  2. These are the best photos I have seen of these birds. It was great to see you there with Carlo on saturday.

