
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June Birds 2015-Lazuli Bunting, Common Loon, Merganser chicks, Painted Turtle, Virginia Rail, Pika, Clark's Nutcracker, Swianson's Thrush

Although I spent a lot of time photographing the development of young falcons (see previous blog) this month,  I still managed to find a few more creatures to record.  I hope you like the little bits of added information I glean from the internet.  Some of these things I didn't know and found interesting.
Lazuli Bunting June 22 2015 N. Parallel Rd. Abbotsford.  This bird is named for the gemstone "lapis lazuli".
Lazuli Bunting June 3 Abbotsford.  This bird is not as bright as the bird above indicating it is probably a first spring bird.  I was having a hard time finding these birds this spring and then I found 4 at the end of N. Parallel Road.

Eagle family June 3 Abbotsford.  One of the largest Bald Eagle nests was found in Florida.  It was 2.9 meters in diameter and 6 meters high.
Common Loon June 5 Nicola Lake.  Loons need from 40 yards to 1/4 mile to take off.
Common Mergansers June 5 Nicola Lake.   In all likelihood these chicks were hatched in a tree cavity.
Killdeer chick June 4 Separation Lake.  The adults were giving me the broken wing act.   Adults will charge a large ungulate, all fluffed up, to try and scare it away from the chicks.
Painted Turtle Lac Du Bois Lake.  This one was on an egg laying mission.  It is the only native pond turtle in BC. 
Virginia Rail June 4 Lac Du Bois Lake.  The rail can swim under water by propelling itself with its wings.
Meadowlark June 4 Pennask Lake Rd.  If you are looking for a Meadowlark's nest look closely on the ground.  It may have a roof on it and a tunnel leading in.
Female Wilson's Phalarope June 4 Separation Lake.  Polyandry-the male raises the young and is drabber than the female.
Pika June 15 Manning Park.  The Pika does not hibernate.  In summer it collects material to eat during the winter, high up the mountains and sometimes under 20 feet of snow.  If it runs out of food it will eat its own feces and that of other animals.
Clarks Nutcracker June 15 Manning Park.  This bird has an amazing memory.  It can remember where it hides 1000's of seeds.
I returned to the falcon nest site I featured in my last blog, 4 days after the chicks fledged.  The adults and  fledglings were interacting with aerial antics.
Swainsons Thrush June 23 Cheam.  A fight between male Swainsons may consist of a singing duel featuring song volume and frequency.  It can be quite exhausting for them.
Willow Flycatcher June 23 2015 Cheam.  Willow Flycatchers songs are innate, not learned from other Willow Flycatchers like most other songbirds.  Young Willows, raised with Alder Flycatchers in captivity, a closely related species, sang the Willow song when they became adults.
End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blogs.


  1. Beautiful shots Len! Brian and I were out your way today found that eagle nest along Page Road and saw your Peregrine site they had fledged of course, also Orioles, Bank Swallows and Lazulis and an Olive Sided Flycatcher and REVI's. You live in beautiful country and these shots are gorgeous. Lucky you getting a Pika at manning! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous work!

    1. Hi Mellie
      Sounds like you had a good tour of my patch. Thanks!
