Beatty's B&B is at the end of Miller Canyon Road. For a few dollars Tom Beatty will tell you where all the birds are and let you on to the property. They also have a viewing platform set up for hummingbirds. Tom told us about a Spotted Owl and where to find Red-faced Warblers. It was quite a hike up the canyon but we got lucky on all counts. We even got a Dusky-capped Flycatcher to top it off. One has to be aware while in this canyon as Mexican illegals use the area for smuggling and entry into the USA.
Self explanatory |
Beatty's Land. A large fire went through here 3 years ago and they barely survived. |
Feeders. They go through 150 pounds of sugar a year. |
Dian in the feeder stand. |
This Magnificent Hummingbird seems to dislike the mixture. |
Magnificent again. |
A Broad-billed Hummingbird. |
The trail into the Huachuca Mountains and the birds. |
We met a few groups returning down the trail but none had seen this Red-faced Warbler. It was the highlight of the trip. |
Another view. |
And one more look. |
This Lizard was a beauty. |
The Spotted Owl. Right where Tom Beatty said it would be.
Someone suggested I post a link to a map of the area. Good idea Joanne.'s+guest+ranch&fb=1&gl=us&hq=beatty's+guest+ranch&hnear=0x86d6d87d2af99db3:0xd931cdb113f84810,Huachuca+City,+AZ&cid=0,0,3722249483684162033&ei=Arl1UdmqA7T9iQLbqICAAw&ved=0CJQBEPwSMAA
Scroll down for previous blog. |
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