
Monday, April 22, 2013

Apr 21 2013 Miller Canyon and Beatty's B&B

Beatty's B&B is at the end of Miller Canyon Road.  For a few dollars Tom Beatty will tell you where all the birds are and let you on to the property.  They also have a viewing platform set up for hummingbirds.  Tom told us about a Spotted Owl and where to find Red-faced Warblers.  It was quite a hike up the canyon but we got lucky on all counts.  We even got a Dusky-capped Flycatcher to top it off.  One has to be aware while in this canyon as Mexican illegals use the area for smuggling and entry into the USA.

Self explanatory

Beatty's Land.  A large fire went through here 3 years ago and they barely survived.

Feeders.  They go through 150 pounds of sugar a year.

Dian in the feeder stand.

This Magnificent Hummingbird seems to dislike the mixture.

Magnificent again.

A Broad-billed Hummingbird.

The trail into the Huachuca Mountains and the birds. 

We met a few groups returning down the trail but none had seen this Red-faced Warbler.  It was the highlight of the trip.

Another view.
And one more look.

This Lizard was a beauty.
The Spotted Owl.  Right where Tom Beatty said it would be.

Someone suggested I post a link to a map of the area.  Good idea Joanne.'s+guest+ranch&fb=1&gl=us&hq=beatty's+guest+ranch&hnear=0x86d6d87d2af99db3:0xd931cdb113f84810,Huachuca+City,+AZ&cid=0,0,3722249483684162033&ei=Arl1UdmqA7T9iQLbqICAAw&ved=0CJQBEPwSMAA
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