We had to drive by St. David's Monastery when we left Huachuca so we dropped in for one last look for a Rufous-backed Robin. We couldn't find it but we did see a few interesting birds. We arrived in Wilcox later in the day. We set up the trailer and took for Chiricahua National Monument to look for a reported Crescent
-chested Warbler. However we had the wrong location. It was in the Chiricahuas out of Portal Az.
Bullock's Oriole St. David Az. |
Green Heron St. David Az. I knew it was in a pond but very skittish. I set the camera for a flight shot in case it flew. It did and I was happy I was ready. |
Summer Tanager at St. David Monastery |
The trailer at 5:30 AM in Rusty's RV Park outside of Portal AZ. |
Looking west from Rusty's RV Park at 5:30 AM towards the Chiracahua Mountains and our birding destinations. I just missed a full shot of the setting moon. At my back was the sun rising as seen in the previous picture. |
Long-tailed Grackle in the RV Park. |
Brewers Sparrows come to a pond at RV park in the morning to find water. |
A Virginia Warbler leaps to another leaf up South Fork in the mountains. |
A better shot of the Virginia Warbler. |
The Virginia Warbler. Taken while in pursuit of the Crescent-chested Warbler which hasn't been seen for 2 days |
We could hear this Trogon calling. Birders were lined up along the road hoping for a glimpse. Finally I spotted it deep in the brush and took a distant photo. I was happy with the results considering the distance. |
Juniper Titmouse. We have 3 species of Titmouse for our journey now. |
A Wilsons Warbler in a peach? tree in the RV park. |
I have posted a Black-throated Sparrow in a previous blog but I liked this pose. |
Pyrrhuloxia Huachuca Az. |
Canyon Towhee. We were passing this Towhee every day in trailer park and thought it was another Aberts which are quite common. However when I processed it the computer I realized it is a Canyon Towhee. |
Another view of the Canyon Towhee and the grocery list.
This a view in Portal AZ. The valley between the mountains is one of the routes to great birding namelySouth Fork.
Two days of searching for the Crescent-chested Warbler have failed here in the Chiricahuas. Many birders are searching and we will give it another try tomorrow. Ironically we left Sierra Vista area to find this bird and 2 more have shown up back there at Beattys place which we visited last week. We will spend another day or 2 here and then head back to Sierra Vista.
Scroll down for previous blog.
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