
Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 2014 Highlights

The Fraser River is having an outstanding run of Sockeye Salmon.  I was contemplating getting some fishing gear but decided I like photography better than standing in one spot on the river bank for hours.  We purchased a couple of fish instead, and put them in the freezer.

Some lucky fishermen.
Fishermen buy boats to get to good fishing spots which you can actually drive to with your car.
This helicopter was picking up water from the river to douse a fire.
The pilot is keeping an eye on his bucket.  The next shots show the pickup and drop.
Pileated Woodpecker at Great Blue Heron Reserve in Chilliwack.
A view of the lagoon and lake at Harrison Hot springs.  There are hot springs here but not in a natural setting.  You have to stay at the lodge or go to the public pool if you want to swim in them.
A map showing Harrison Hot Springs.
There were some shorebirds on the edge of the lagoon.  They are on their way south after breeding in the north.  Here is a Baird's Sandpiper.
Least Sandpiper.  One the smallest "peeps".
A Yellow Warbler was also on its southerly migration.
A Red-necked Phalarope was preening.
Another pose.
 Semi-palmated Sandpiper.
A view of Harrison looking towards the main mall.  The shorebirds were found around this lagoon.
Dian and friends, Art and Marlene.  They invited us down to the marina in Point Roberts to spend a night on their boat.  We took a hike out to Lily point.
The galley and sleeping quarters.  One day I will have to post a picture of myself.
The boat.  Thanks guys.

 Dian and I just purchased tickets to take the new Sea to Sky Gondola near Squamish. We will be heading up there Monday Aug. 25.  I will try to get a blog of the trip so hurry back.

   End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blog.

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