
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Green Lake Provincial Park, B.C., Sunset Campground, June 2,3,4 2016 Part 2

This blog is the second of a 3 part series concerning our first extended trip with our new trailer.  We headed north from Tunkwa to Green Lake where the camping fee was $18.00.  No electricity, only water and well maintained.  Green Lake is in the Cariboo District of British Columbia

Here is the route from Tunkwa to Green Lake.
We rarely see Calliope Hummingbirds in the Vancouver area but they are common here.
This campground can be notorious for mosquitos but my fire building capabilities can be a deterrent for them.
Clay-Colored Sparrows are another bird we don't see very often at home.
Clay-Colored Sparrow.
Dian at the Lake.  Our campsite backed onto this little beach and we went swimming; something I haven't done for a few years.
Northern Rough-winged Swallows were busy building nests.
They dig holes in dirt banks and build their nest inside.
A Red-naped Sapsucker visited his wells of sap.
Dian's brother Neil and his wife Wilma joined with their trailer.  Watching the sun set.
About 4 years ago we visited here and these Red-necked Grebes were nesting in the same spot.  We were surprised to see them again.
"I got you babe"
Neil and Wilma's rig.
This Sandhill Crane was very agitated as we came across it, his mate and at least one colt.  We saw a mother moose and calf in the same meadow the night before.  Sorry no picture as we immediately retreated.
Sundown at the campsite.

Great weather here for the 3 days.  This campsite is reservable but we found many of the sites were empty at this time of year.   The next stop was BC Hydro Seton Lake Campground.  That blog will be ready in a few days.

Scroll down for previous blog (Tunkwa).

1 comment:

  1. Hey great find on the nesting red-necked grebes pretty magical. Lovely shot of the clay coloured too. Looks like a birdy place to camp. I'm glad you retreated from the moose and calves seeing that is much more scary to be in a confrontation with than any bear. I like to see moose only at a distance!
