
Friday, June 10, 2016

Tunkwa Provincial Park May 31-June 2 2016 inaugural Escape Trailer Trip Part 1

Having just purchased a used 19 foot Escape trailer we decided to explore a few campgrounds.  Tunkwa was first on our itinerary.  Tunkwa has many walking trails to explore but is mainly visited by fishermen.  It is situated high in the hills west of Kamloops.  Although the temperatures during the days were in the mid 20's, it was down to 6 in the morning.  Good thing we had an extra sleeping bag.  Between September and June 14 the fees for seniors are 1/2 price so we decided to take advantage.  The regular fee is $18.00.

Cliff Swallows were collecting mud for their nests.

American Coot "chick"
An Eared Grebe was putting a curse on us. It worked because it got windy the next day.
Scaups were the most common ducks on the lake.
Horned Grebes are very similar to Eared Grebes.
Mountain Bluebirds are common here thanks to many nest boxes erected by volunteers.

Mountain Chickadees are found in these higher altitudes.
I had to be fast to capture this Red-breasted Nuthatch before it departed.
Red-tailed Hawk didn't like our presence.  A nest must have been nearby.
Our rig and Dian.
Common Alpine Butterfly 
We were sitting on a rock beside a pond when this Snipe appeared.
Dian's brother Neil and his wife Wilma joined us for a day.

The wind came up the last day at Tunkwa but it was a nice introduction to our trailer.  From here we went a little further north to Green Lake. That will be the next blog.

Scroll down for previous blog.


  1. Awesome hope you had a great time and hope you were graced by one of the nearby resident GGOWs. Cheers

  2. Thanks Mel. We looked but no GGOW this time.

  3. Wonderful bird pictures. Keep them coming!
