
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Patagonia Park, Patagonian Rest Stop, Florida Canyon and Anza Trail Apr 27-29 2014

Another eventful couple of days.  We took trip out to Patagonia State Park and the rest stop.  We didn't stop at Pattons as we think we probably have already seen all they have to offer except the Violet-crowned Hummer.  The reports of the Black-capped Gnatcatcher were intriguing so we tried for that today.  We had to try for the Sinaloa again but no luck.  Our list for the trip now stands at 283.  
300 is getting closer.
The famous Patagonian Rest Stop.

Looking up the road the other way.
The Patagonian picnic table effect.  So named because of a rare bird that was spotted here.  Many people came to see it and as a result a even rarer bird was found.  Now whenever someone goes to find a bird and finds an even better one it is called the "Patagonian picnic table effect".
This Elegant Trogon flew up to us at Patagonia State Park.
We had just seen 2 a few days before at Sycamore Canyon and you couldn't get within 75 yards of them.  This one  was  as tame as a kitten.  Must be the same one we saw a few years ago and is accostomed to people.
There were 4 White-faced Ibis's at Patagonia SP.
Two Thick-billed Kingbirds were at the Patagonian rest stop.  They were quite skittish.
Bridled Titmouse with nesting material.
Black-throated Sparrow perched nicely so his image was captured for posterity.
Our first Yellow Warbler of the season was at Patagonia.
This is a Mourning Dove nest.  It is on the patio where we are staying.  We couldn't get over how flimsy it is. Ordinarily I wouldn't bother a bird on a nest but this was actually taken through the bedroom window. 
We made a trip up Anza Trail again for the Sinaloa Wren (no luck).  We did see 2 Grey hawks.
Need help with this one.  We thought it was a Gold Finch but the bill isn't right.
Phainopepla on trip up Florida Canyon road to find the Black-capped Gnatcatchers.
The Anza trail had singing Yellow-breasted Chats.  They were hiding in the foliage but this one gave me a peek.
And then this Chat just came right out in the open.
Finally the Black-capped Gnatcatcher up Florida Canyon Road.  It only came out for about 30 seconds and  never gave a woman, who was also looking for it, a chance to see it. Dian went to fetch her but it was gone when she returned.
Black-capped Gnatcatcher-the last view before it disappeared.
Finally a few shots of a nest that is in the Sinaloa Wren location on the Anza Trail.  I mentioned this nest the other day.  You can just see a white eyebrow and the tail sticking up in the air.  This is in the Willow tree right beside the fence.
Another view of the nest through the leaves.  You can barely see the head and bill.  The wind and twigs etc. makes it almost impossible to get a clear picture.
It is driving me crazy wondering what this bird is.
End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blog.


  1. The trogon you photographed at Patagonia Lake SP is a second year male, meaning me was hatched last summer and is just now acquiring adult plumage. Photos I took earlier this spring of the same bird have him with much less red on the breast. This is not the same individual that you saw a few years ago.

    1. Thanks -I should have realized the bird was moulting into adult plumage.

  2. The unidentified yellow bird is indeed a Lesser goldfinch (female).

    1. The sharp bill threw me off. Thanks for the clarification.
