
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Boquete Panama Mar 2 2016

    Four or five years ago Dian and I saw a program on TV about a small town called Boquete in the highlands of Panama at the base of Panama's highest mountain, Volcan Baru.  It described an idyllic place where Americans, Canadians and Europeans went to retire.  Because it was at an elevation 4000 feet the climate was much more tolerable than the hot and humid coast.  Best of all it was reported to be teeming with birds.  We were telling all our skeptical friends that one day we were going to visit Bouquete.  Finally in July of 2015 we decided we had better put our money where our mouths were and reserved a cabin through Airbnb. Copy and paste the link to see our accommodation.
  On February 29, 2016 we took the leap (get it?) and boarded a plane in Vancouver for a month long adventure.  These pictures were taken our first day-Mar 2 2016
Blue-gray Tanager

Clay-colored Thrush

Black-striped Sparrow

Our cottage.  Very clean, small, perfect for 2 people and it has great hosts.

Today we ate, rested and watched birds from the balcony.  Still getting over jet lag.  Most of the pictures were taken here.

Epiphytes plants (that grow on trees) 

Masked Yellowthroat

Red-crowned Woodpecker female

Red-crowned Woodpecker male

Red-legged Honeycreeper immature male or female?

Red-legged Honeycreeper  male

Ruddy Ground Doves

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Streaked Flycatcher

Thick-billed Euphonia

Tropical Mockingbird

Yellow-bellied Elaenia

Tennessee Warbler and Red-legged Honeycreeper

Yellow-green Vireo

Yellow-green Vireo
End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blog.


  1. Very nice! We were in Panama last March, and enjoyed it a lot. So many different species! We found Panama City to be very warm, but the majority of our stay was farther North, and it was considerably cooler. Also, in your photo of the "Yellow-green Vireo and Red-legged Honeycreeper", the vireo is actually a Tennessee Warbler… nice shots, too!

  2. Have a great trip, Can't wait to see what you find.

  3. Wow Len these are incredible photos! Already the first day and you are getting Vireos to pose for you ;-)!

    Sounds like this will be a dream trip one I hope I can do one day! The Euphonia is so far my favourite.

    Look forward to seeing more from your spectacular trip.
