
Monday, March 7, 2016

Panama Boquete, day 5, Sloth, Scintillant Hummingbird, Black-thighed grosbeak, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Flower Piercer

Today we drove around Volcancito and made a few stops on the road.  Then on to the Quetzal Trail.  We didn't hike the trail but visited with the person who takes admission to the park.  With his his limited English and our duolingo Spanish we had a nice interaction.  Then it was back to the Finca Lerida coffee plantation.  Some of their coffee (geisha) sells for $100 a pound in Japan.
Yellow-thighed Finch. Just a fleeting glimpse.

Common Bush Tanager (Common Chlorospingus)

Red-faced Spinetail immature 
Red-faced Spinetail

Sloth-we were looking for birds when a native who was waiting for a taxi, ran to us to point out this Sloth across the Valley. 
Slaty Flowerpiercer-male.  This is at Finca Lerida where we met Caesar.   He is a guide at the coffee plantation who was waiting to guide the next group of visitors.  We introduced ourselves and being an avid birder, he offered to show us some of the birds on the plantation until he was called away to lead another group.  Muchas gracias Ceasar. 

Slaty Flowerpiercer female piercing a flower.  They go in the base to get right at the nectar.

Roadside vendor selling traditional native wares.

Resplendent Quetzal seen as we were driving down the road.

Red-tailed Hawk-boring

Broad-winged Hawk

Eastern Meadowlark
Cattle Egret
Broad-winged Hawk
Boat-billed Flycatcher
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
Scintillant Hummingbird
Black-thighed Grosbeak


  1. Another fantastic two days Len and Diane, Are there flowering plants in the hills as well as in the populated areas? It seems you have the luck with the Quetzals, what an amazing shot.

  2. Hi Len + Diane, looks like you're having a good time there! We liked Boquete when we were there in 2007, we hiked over Sendero de los Quetzales from Guadalupe in the fog and saw almost no birds.

    Anyway I dragged out my Panama field guide (Ridgely and Gwynne) to check out your woodcreeper. (Woodcreepers always confused me in Panama.) Maybe it's a Wedge-billed Woodcreeper? I dunno... your picture strikes me as a smaller bird and my field guide says that Tawny-winged is mostly in the lowlands and is rare there. But that was 1989 so maybe things have changed. And I can't see a wedge-shaped bill in your pictures.

    Paul Clapham

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Paul thanks for checking. My bird editor says it is a Red-faced Spinetail immature.

  3. Lovely photos and looks like you're having a wonderful time. Brightens up our dreary weather to see the photos! One name change, Common Bush-tanager is now Common Chlorospingus. I preferred the former name!

  4. Ha! Good question! I was in Monteverde, Costa Rica and a birding guide told me. I'm glad you've seen quetzals. I was told in Monteverde that Feb/Mar was the best time to see them so perhaps it's the same for Panama.

  5. That quetzal is amazing thanks for bringing us along Len.
