
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Panama, Boquete Mar 7, 8, 9, 2016 Rosy Thrush-tanager, Black Guan, Golden-browed Chlorophonia, Bill Fox, Mountain Thrush, Mountain Gem, Culebra Trail

Days 6, 7 and 8  of our trip are combined as we are eliminating the more common birds and getting into the ones that are more difficult to find.  For day 8 we teamed up with Bill Fox on the recommendation of our landlord.  He has retired here from Connecticut and has been in Panama for the last 10 years.  He led us up the Culebra Trail which is on the slopes of Volcan Baru, and pointed out some nice birds for us.  Thanks so much Bill.  Nice to have someone along who knows what he is doing.
Rosy Thrush-tanager.
Brown-throated Parakeet
Roadside Hawk
Lizard at Mi Jardin Es Su Jardin
Lizard along the Caldera River
Our kids play with electronic toys-she plays with nails.  She is a member of the Ngobe-bugle tribe, some whom live off the land.
Road to Culebra Trail
Black Guan landed above us but didn't stay around very long.
Butterfly on the trail
Farmers bring their cattle over the mountains on a 2 day cattle drive.  Someone runs in front and gets people off the trail.
We waited off the trail while they passed.

Bill and Dian listening to a Trogon.  We didn't find it.
Golden-browed Chlorophonia male.  That is a berry in its beak. 
Golden-browed Chlorophonia female
Black-faced Solitaire.  We heard a lot of these but saw few.
Prong-billed Barbet high in tree.

Purple-throated Mountain Gem female 
White-throated Mountain Gem male

End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blog.