
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Panama Boquete Mar 18&19 2016. Rio Encantado, La India Trail, Pearl Kite, Fasciated Heron, Piratic Flycatcher, Masked Tityra

The following pictures were taken Mar 18 and 19. The first set is taken at Rio Encantado resort.  The owner let us bird the property after paying a $10 fee each.  It was bit pricey but it was an interesting morning if only to see the tree house and we found a few lifers.
The pin shows approximate Rio Encantado location.
Amazon Kingfisher Rio Encantado
Crested Oropendola Rio Encantado
Crimson-backed Tanager Rio Encantado
Fasciated Tiger Heron Rio Encantado
Green Kingfisher Rio Encantado
Panama Flycatcher Rio Encantado
Piratic Flycatcher Rio Encantado
Here is the approximate location of La India trail east of Boquete.
Yellow-throated Euphonia.  Day 18 we went on a hike with Bill and Lynne Fox on a trail called La India.  The following pictures are some of the birds seen there.
Yellow-green Vireo
Streaked-headed Woodcreeper
Sometimes it is impossible to get the shot you want such as this Lance-tailed Manakin.
Looks like an Acadian Flycatcher .
This bird had us excited.  It is a Masked Tityra. (pronounced Ti-tyra)
Masked Tityra.
We thought this was an immature Laughing Falcon but is actually a rare (for this area) Pearl Kite.  It is regurgitating something.
Pearl Kite
Dian and Lynne after a 5 hour hike up La India.

End of this blog.  Scroll down for previous blog.